Industrial floors: Time is money!
We often meet customers in the industry who only have a few hours to repair their floors as the production process cannot be stopped.
Therefore we need a coating that dries very quickly and with high performance. For this reason, together with our suppliers, we have developed a cold polyurea for manual application: ATK S-3000.
What makes ATK S-3000 polyurea special?
On the one hand, we must consider its excellent mechanical properties and resistance. ATK S-3000 can be used both indoors and outdoors as it is an aliphatic polyurea. It is passable for vehicles and has a high level of adherence to concrete and most supports. You can also choose the colour of the finish, as it can be pigmented according to the RAL chart.
Nº1 in speed! After 2 hours it can be walked on
But it is undoubtedly the speed of curing that makes ATK S-3000 polyurea different. It can be applied very quickly, after only 1h30' we can apply a second coat and after 2 hours it can be walked on. After 8 hours it can withstand the traffic of light vehicles. It even cures quickly at very low temperatures (8 hours at -20ºC).

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