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Waterproofing - Insulation - Continuos Floorings
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aterki isola


+ of 25 years of experience Aterki Isola: Company of waterproofing and thermal insulation

Solving humidity and leaks. It has us for your project, whether big or small.

We are experts in installing continuous, self-levelling, sprayed, flexible and decorative flooring.
We use the most innovative resins with aliphatic, non-slip and quartz finishes.


We install thermal, acoustic and fireproof insulation with the best insulating products on the market. These include polyurethane, rock wool, natural fibres (cellulose) and eco-friendly insulating material - improving the sustainability and energy efficiency of buildings while respecting the environment.


We waterproof all types of surfaces for industry, building professionals, private clients, public organisations, etc. We are skilled at working against back pressure under the water table in garages, basements and trenches.

Specialists in works

Our company

ATERKI was founded in Legazpi (Gipuzkoa) in 1994. For over 25 years, we have been providing solutions for issues related to waterproofing, insulation and continuous flooring by using the latest materials and cutting-edge systems. We offer the best service with maximum and quality and guarantee.

Our central offices and warehouses are currently located in Legazpi, which is our hub that covers the whole of Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia, Araba, Navarra, Cantabria and La Rioja. We also have a branch and warehouses in Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa), which is our base for providing service to the region of San Sebastian, the French Basque Country and Southern France. We additionally have a distribution centre in Bucharest (Romania).

We work for individuals and enterprises.

Our works

Rehabilitación de Fachada sistema proyectado B-s1,d0 (GIPUZKOA)

En muchas ocasiones tras un derribo, movimientos del terreno y edificio, por el paso del tiempo o simplemente por un insuficiente aislamiento nos encontramos con fachadas que requieren una actuación rápida, sencilla y eficaz. Estas fachadas suelen presentar problemas de condensación por falta de aislamiento y fisuras que provocan entradas de agua. En el caso …

Rehabilitación de Fachada sistema proyectado B-s1,d0 (GIPUZKOA) Read More »

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